Whenever a hotel or swimming pool is constructed or extensively remodeled, or whenever an existing structure is converted to use as a hotel, plans and specifications shall be submitted to the commissioner for review and approval before construction, remodeling, or conversion is begun. The plans and specifications shall indicate the proposed layout, arrangement, mechanical plans, construction materials and work areas, and the type and model of proposed fixed equipment and facilities. The commissioner shall approve the plans and specifications, if they meet the requirements of this part and rules and regulations. No hotel or swimming pool shall be constructed, extensively remodeled, or converted except in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the commissioner.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 68 - Health, Safety and Environmental Protection
Chapter 14 - Hotels, Food Service Establishments and Swimming Pools
Part 3 - Hotel and Public Swimming Pool Inspection Act
§ 68-14-303. Authority of Commissioner
§ 68-14-304. Hotels, Food Service Establishments and Swimming Pools Fund — Unexpended Balance
§ 68-14-309. Service of Notice
§ 68-14-311. Application for Permit After Revocation
§ 68-14-312. Permit Fee for Hotels
§ 68-14-314. Exemptions From Payment of Permit Fees
§ 68-14-318. Review and Approval of Plans and Specifications
§ 68-14-322. Inapplicable to Certain Privately Owned Swimming Facilities