A person who has a reasonable belief that a person has knowingly exposed another to HIV may inform the potential victim without incurring any liability. A person making such disclosure is immune from liability for making disclosure of the condition to the potential victim.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 68 - Health, Safety and Environmental Protection
Chapter 10 - Sexually Transmitted Diseases
§ 68-10-101. Chapter Definitions
§ 68-10-103. Printed Instructions Given Patients
§ 68-10-105. Infected Persons Isolated or Quarantined to Specified Area
§ 68-10-107. Exposure of Others by Infected Person
§ 68-10-108. Places for Detention of Infected Persons
§ 68-10-111. Violation of Chapter — Penalty
§ 68-10-113. Confidentiality of Records and Information
§ 68-10-114. Knowledge of Governmental Persons Regarding Records
§ 68-10-115. Immunity From Liability for Informing Person of Potential Hiv Infection