2021 Tennessee Code
Part 3 - Inheritance Tax — General Provisions [Not Applicable to Decedents Who Die in 2016 or After, See § 67-8-318.]
§ 67-8-316. Exemptions. [Not Applicable to Decedents Who Die in 2016 or After, See § 67-8-318.]

In the case of a decedent dying: Amount
On or after October 1, 1983, but  before January 1, 1984 $275,000
In 1984 325,000
In 1985 400,000
In 1986 500,000
After 1986 600,000
and there shall be allowed against the net estate a maximum single exemption against that portion of the estate distributable to one (1) or more beneficiaries of Class B of an amount determined according to the following schedule:
In the case of a decedent dying: Amount
On or after July 1, 1984, but  before January 1, 1985 $25,000
In 1985 50,000
In 1986 100,000
In 1987 150,000
In 1988 250,000
In 1989 350,000
After 1989 600,000
In the case of a decedent dying: Amount
On or after July 1, 1998, but  before January 1, 1999 $625,000
In 1999 650,000
In 2000 and 2001 675,000
In 2002 and 2003 700,000
In 2004 850,000
In 2005 950,000
In 2006 through 2012 1,000,000
In 2013 1,250,000
In 2014 2,000,000
In 2015 5,000,000