In the event any dealer is delinquent in the payment of the tax provided in this chapter, the commissioner may give notice of the amount of such delinquency by registered mail to all persons having in their possession or under their control any credits or other personal property belonging to such dealer, or owing any debts to such dealer at the time of receipt by them of such notice, and thereafter any person so notified shall neither transfer nor make any other disposition of such credits, other personal property, or debts, until the commissioner shall have consented to a transfer or disposition, or until thirty (30) days shall have elapsed from and after the receipt of such notice. All persons so notified must, within five (5) days after receipt of such notice, advise the commissioner of any and all such credits, other personal property, or debts, in their possession, under their control, or owing by them, as the case may be.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Chapter 6 - Sales and Use Taxes
Part 5 - Collection and Enforcement Generally
§ 67-6-502. Tax Paid by Consumer
§ 67-6-503. Retailer to Display Price and Tax Separately
§ 67-6-508. Credits to Purchaser
§ 67-6-511. Inclusion of Lessee's Sales in Dealer's Return
§ 67-6-514. Excess Revenue Paid Over to Commissioner
§ 67-6-516. Delinquencies and Other Violations — Penalties — Grace Period
§ 67-6-518. Collection of Tax From Dealer's Debtors
§ 67-6-525. Findings Related to Sales Threshold Standard
§ 67-6-526. Effect on Substantial Nexus Criteria