There is excluded from the sales and use tax base that portion of the consideration, received from the sale of steam produced by an energy or resource recovery facility owned or operated by a municipality, that is used to satisfy an indebtedness to the state incurred pursuant to title 68, chapter 211, part 4 [repealed]. This exclusion shall only apply if the facility has no more than one (1) customer, and the portion of the consideration subject to the exclusion is separately stated on each billing. In the event ownership of the facility is transferred to the facility's sole customer, that portion of the consideration previously excluded from taxation shall be taxable to the customer.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Chapter 6 - Sales and Use Taxes
§ 67-6-305. Demonstration or Display Property
§ 67-6-306. Divorce — Transfer of Automobile
§ 67-6-307. Energy or Resource Recovery Facilities
§ 67-6-308. Federal Government
§ 67-6-310. Gun Shows — Sales by Nonprofit Organizations
§ 67-6-314. Medical Equipment and Devices
§ 67-6-315. Monthly Water Bill
§ 67-6-325. Telephone Cooperatives
§ 67-6-327. Vessels and Barges — Repairs
§ 67-6-328. Watershed Districts
§ 67-6-332. Utilities, Electric Cooperatives and Electric Membership Corporations
§ 67-6-336. Used Factory-Manufactured Structures
§ 67-6-337. Sales Paid for With Food Stamps
§ 67-6-343. Motor Vehicles — Exemption From Sales Tax
§ 67-6-345. Boats, Motorboats and Other Vessels — Exemption From Sales Tax
§ 67-6-346. Pollution Control Credit
§ 67-6-354. Design Professionals' Sketches, Drawings and Models
§ 67-6-386. Sale or Use of Aviation Fuel. [Effective on July 1, 2021.]
§ 67-6-390. Exemption for Sales of Telecommunications Services Between Affiliates