2021 Tennessee Code
Part 1 - General Provisions
§ 67-6-102. Chapter Definitions — Definitions Applicable for Taxation of Charges for Mobile Telecommunications Services. [Effective Until July 1, 2021. See the Version Effective on July 1, 2021.]

As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
As used in this chapter, “pollution control facilities” means any system, method, improvement, structure, device or appliance appurtenant thereto used or intended for the primary purpose of eliminating, preventing or reducing air or water pollution, or for the primary purpose of treating, pretreating, recycling or disposing of any hazardous or toxic waste, solid or liquid, when such pollutants are created as a result of fabricating or processing by one who engages in fabricating or processing as such person's principal business activity, which, if released without such treatment, pretreatment, modification or disposal, might be harmful, detrimental or offensive to the public and the public interest;
Machinery that is necessary to and primarily for remanufacturing industrial machinery as defined in subdivision (46)(A) when such utilization is by one whose principal business is that of remanufacturing industrial machinery. For the purposes of this subdivision (46)(B), “remanufacturing” means making new or different products with new or different functions from the scrap materials used to make them;
Machinery utilized in the pre-press and press operations in the business of printing, including plates and cylinders, and including the component parts and fluids or chemicals necessary for the specific mechanical or chemical actions or operations of such machinery, plates and cylinders, regardless of whether or not the operations occur at the point of retail sales;
Such industrial machinery necessary to and primarily for the fabrication and processing of tangible personal property for resale or used primarily for the control of air pollution or water pollution includes, but is not limited to:
Machines used for generating, producing, and distributing utility services, electricity, steam, and treated or untreated water; and
Equipment used in transporting raw materials from storage to the manufacturing process, and transporting finished goods from the end of the manufacturing process to storage;
(i)  Machinery used to package manufactured items, where the use of such machinery is by a person whose principal business is fabricating or processing tangible personal property for resale. Notwithstanding the principal business of the user, this exemption shall also apply where the use of such machinery at a location is to package automotive aftermarket products manufactured at other locations by the same person or by a corporation affiliated with the manufacturing corporation such that:
Either corporation directly owns or controls one hundred percent (100%) of the capital stock of the other corporation; or
One hundred percent (100%) of the capital stock of both corporations is directly owned or controlled by a common parent;
To “package,” as used in subdivision (46)(E)(i), refers only to the fabrication and/or installation of that packaging that will accompany the product when sold at retail;
Such industrial machinery necessary to and primarily for the fabrication or processing of tangible personal property for resale and consumption off the premises or used primarily for the control of air pollution or water pollution does not include machinery, apparatus and equipment used prior to or after equipment exempted by subdivision (46)(D)(ii), and does not include equipment used for maintenance or the convenience or comfort of workers;
Machinery, apparatus and equipment with all associated parts, appurtenances and accessories, including hydraulic fluids, lubricating oils and greases necessary for operation and maintenance, repair parts and any necessary repair or taxable installation labor therefor, that is necessary to, and primarily for, the fabricating or processing of prescription eyewear, where a majority of such eyewear is ultimately dispensed to patients in states other than Tennessee;
(i)  Material handling equipment and racking systems, used by the taxpayer directly and primarily for the storage or handling and movement of tangible personal property in a qualified, new or expanded warehouse or distribution facility, that are purchased beginning one (1) year prior to the start of the construction or expansion and ending one (1) year after the substantial completion of the construction or expansion of the facility, but in no event shall the period exceed three (3) years. “Qualified, new or expanded warehouse or distribution facility” means a new or expanded facility, that meets the requirements set out in this subdivision (46)(H), for the storage or distribution of finished tangible personal property. Such facilities shall not include a building where tangible personal property is fabricated, processed, assembled or sold over-the-counter to consumers, except for taxpayers that qualify under chapter 185 of the Public Acts of 1995, or are configuring, testing or packaging computer products. “Configuring” computer products means integrating a computer with peripheral computer products, such as a hard disk drive, additional memory or software. A qualifying facility must also be:
A warehouse or distribution facility constructed in this state through an investment in excess of ten million dollars ($10,000,000) by the taxpayer, and/or a lessor to the taxpayer, over a period not exceeding three (3) years, in a newly constructed and previously unoccupied building and/or equipment for the facility;
An expansion to an existing warehouse or distribution facility, previously qualified under subdivision (46)(H)(i), through an additional investment in excess of ten million dollars ($10,000,000) by the taxpayer, and/or a lessor to the taxpayer over an additional period not exceeding three (3) years, for additions to the building and the purchase of new equipment for use in the expanded facility;
A warehouse or distribution facility in this state that is purchased and either renovated or expanded through an investment in excess of ten million dollars ($10,000,000) in such purchase and renovation or expansion by the taxpayer, and/or a lessor to the taxpayer, including the purchase of new equipment for such a building, over a period not exceeding three (3) years; or
A taxpayer shall qualify for the exemption afforded to material handling and racking systems under subdivision (46)(H)(i) by submitting an application to the commissioner for the exemption, together with a plan describing the investment to be made. The application and plan shall be submitted on forms prescribed by the commissioner. The plan shall demonstrate that the requirements of the law will be met. Upon approval of the exemption request and plan for investment, purchases of the equipment may be made without payment of the sales or use tax. However, if the requisite investment is not made in the time period required, or the terms of the statute are not met, the taxpayer shall be subject to assessment for any tax, penalty or interest that would otherwise have been due;
Material handling equipment and racking systems used in a warehouse and distribution facility, subject to all the requirements and conditions of subdivision (46)(H), except:
The required investment in excess of ten million dollars ($10,000,000) may also be made in a previously occupied facility:
Through the purchase of a building, and/or the purchase of new equipment for use in the building no later than one (1) year after the purchase of the building; or
Through the purchase of new equipment for use in a leased building, not qualifying under subdivision (46)(I)(i)(a ), made no later than one (1) year after the date of the lease agreement; and
Any purchases exempted from tax for use in the facility described in this subdivision (46)(I) must be made no later than one (1) year after the purchase of the building under subdivision (46)(I)(i)(a ), or no later than one (1) year after the date of the lease agreement under subdivision (46)(I)(i)(b );
“Industrial machinery” does not include machinery, apparatus and equipment, with all associated parts, appurtenances, accessories, repair parts, and necessary repair or taxable installation labor therefor, that is used in the preparation of food for immediate retail sale;
“Industrial machinery” also includes any “computer”, “computer network”, “computer software”, or “computer system”, as defined by § 39-14-601, and any peripheral devices, including, but not limited to, hardware such as printers, plotters, external disc drives, modems, and telephone units, when such items are used in the operation of a qualified data center. For purposes of this subdivision (46)(K), “industrial machinery” includes repair parts, repair or installation services, and warranty or service contracts, purchased for such items used in the operation of a qualified data center;
“Industrial machinery” includes machinery, apparatus and equipment with all associated parts, appurtenances, accessories, repair parts and necessary repair or taxable installation labor therefor, that is necessary to and used primarily for the conversion of tangible personal property into taxable specified digital products for resale and consumption off the premises. “Industrial machinery” does not include machinery, apparatus or equipment, with all associated parts, appurtenances, accessories, repair parts and necessary repair or taxable installation labor therefor, that is used primarily for the storage or distribution of such specified digital products following such conversion;
“Industrial machinery” also includes machinery, apparatus, and equipment with all associated parts, appurtenances, and accessories, including hydraulic fluids, lubricating oils, and greases necessary for operation and maintenance, repair parts, and any necessary repair or taxable installation labor therefor, that is necessary to, and primarily for, the purpose of research and development;
“International,” as used in connection with telecommunications services, means a telecommunications service that originates or terminates in the United States, and terminates or originates outside the United States, respectively. United States includes the District of Columbia and a United States territory or possession;
“Interstate,” as used in connection with telecommunications services, means a telecommunications service that originates in one (1) United States state, or a United States territory or possession, and terminates in a different United States state or a United States territory or possession;
“Intrastate,” as used in connection with telecommunications services, means a telecommunications service that originates in one (1) United States state or United States territory or possession, and terminates in the same United States state or United States territory or possession;
“Layaway sale” means a transaction in which property is set aside for future delivery to a customer who makes a deposit, agrees to pay the balance of the purchase price over a period of time, and, at the end of the payment period, receives the property. An order is accepted for layaway by the seller, when the seller removes the property from normal inventory or clearly identifies the property as sold to the purchaser;
“Lease or rental” means any transfer of possession or control of tangible personal property for a fixed or indeterminate term for consideration. A “lease or rental” may include future options to purchase or extend;
“Lease or rental” does not include:
A transfer of possession or control of property under a security agreement or deferred payment plan that requires the transfer of title upon completion of the required payments;
A transfer of possession or control of property under an agreement that requires the transfer of title upon completion of required payments and payment of an option price does not exceed the greater of one hundred dollars ($100) or one percent (1%) of the total required payments;
Providing tangible personal property along with an operator for a fixed or indeterminate period of time. A condition of this exclusion is that the operator is necessary for the equipment to perform as designed. For the purpose of this subdivision (51), an operator must do more than maintain, inspect, or set-up the tangible personal property; or
Providing a dumpster or other container for waste or debris removal for a fixed or indeterminate period of time along with the delivery and pickup of the dumpster. A condition of this exclusion is that the provider of the dumpster is exclusively responsible for delivery and pickup of the dumpster;
“Lease or rental” includes agreements covering motor vehicles and trailers where the amount of consideration may be increased or decreased by reference to the amount realized upon sale or disposition of the property as defined in 26 U.S.C. § 7701(h)(1);
This subdivision (51) shall be used for sales and use tax purposes regardless if a transaction is characterized as a lease or rental under generally accepted accounting principles, the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C.), or title 47, chapter 2A, or other federal, state or local law;
This subdivision (51) shall be applied only prospectively from the date of adoption [January 1, 2008] and shall have no retroactive impact on existing leases or rentals;
“Livestock and poultry feed” means and includes all grains, minerals, salts, proteins, fats, fibers and all vitamins, acids and drugs used and mixed with such ingredients as a growth stimulant, disease preventive, to stimulate feed conversion and make a complete feed;
“Local merchant” means a third-party merchant, including, but not limited to, a kitchen, restaurant, grocery store, retail store, convenience store, or business of another type, that is not under common ownership or control with the delivery network company;
“Local tax jurisdiction” means a geographic area where the same local option tax, either county tax or a combination of county and municipal tax, applies;
“Marketplace” means a physical or electronic place, platform, or forum, including, but not limited to, a store, booth, internet website, catalog, or dedicated sales software application, where tangible personal property or any of the things or services taxable under this chapter are offered for sale;
“Marketplace facilitator”:
Means a person, including any affiliate of the person, that:
For consideration, regardless of whether characterized as fees from the transaction, contracts, or otherwise agrees with a marketplace seller to facilitate the sale of the marketplace seller's tangible personal property or things or services taxable under this chapter through a physical or electronic marketplace operated, owned, or otherwise controlled by the person or the person's affiliate; and
Either directly or indirectly through contracts, agreements, or other arrangements with third parties, collects the payment from the purchaser of the marketplace seller's tangible personal property or things or services taxable under this chapter and transmits payment to the marketplace seller;
Does not include:
A person who exclusively provides advertising services, including listing products for sale, so long as the person does not also engage directly or indirectly through one (1) or more affiliated persons in those activities described in subdivision (56)(A) that are unrelated to advertising services;
A person whose activity with respect to marketplace sales is limited to providing payment processing services between two (2) or more parties;
A derivatives clearing organization, designated contract market, or foreign board of trade or swap execution facility that is registered with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC registered platforms”), or any clearing members, futures commission merchants, or brokers using the services of CFTC registered platforms; or
A person that is a delivery network company; except, that a delivery network company that meets the definition set forth in subdivision (56)(A) may elect, in a reasonable manner and duration prescribed by the department, to be deemed a marketplace facilitator pursuant to this chapter; and
Includes a peer-to-peer car sharing program as defined in § 67-4-1901;
“Marketplace seller” means a person who makes sales through any marketplace operated, owned, or controlled by a marketplace facilitator;
“Mobile telecommunications service” means the same as that term is defined in the Mobile Telecommunications Sourcing Act, Public Law 106-252 (4 U.S.C. § 124(7));
“Mobility enhancing equipment” means equipment, including repair and replacement parts to the equipment, but does not include durable medical equipment that:
Is primarily and customarily used to provide or increase the ability to move from one place to another and that is appropriate for use either in a home or a motor vehicle;
Is not generally used by persons with normal mobility; and
Does not include any motor vehicle or equipment on a motor vehicle normally provided by a motor vehicle manufacturer;
“Model 1 seller” means a seller that has selected a certified service provider as its agent to perform all of the seller's sales and use tax functions, other than the seller's obligation to remit tax on its own purchases;
“Model 2 seller” means a seller that has selected a certified automated system to perform part of its sales and use tax functions, but retains responsibility for remitting the tax;
“Model 3 seller” means a seller that has sales in at least five (5) states that are members of the Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement, has total annual sales revenue of at least five hundred million dollars ($500,000,000), has a proprietary system that calculates the amount of tax due each jurisdiction, and has entered into a performance agreement with the member states that establishes a tax performance standard for the seller. As used in this subdivision (62), a seller includes an affiliated group of sellers using the same proprietary system;
“OEM headquarters company” means an original equipment manufacturer that is engaged in the business of manufacturing motor vehicles and qualifies to receive the credit provided in § 67-6-224, or any affiliate thereof. For purposes of this subdivision (63), “affiliate” has the same meaning as provided in § 67-4-2004;
“OEM headquarters company vehicle” means any motor vehicle subject to registration in accordance with title 55 that is owned by an OEM headquarters company, whether used for sales or service training, advertising, quality control, testing, evaluation or such other uses as approved by the commissioner, and, further, including motor vehicles provided by the OEM headquarters company for use by eligible employees and their eligible family members in accordance with policies established by the OEM headquarters company and approved by the commissioner;
(A)  “Over-the-counter-drug” means a drug that contains a label that identifies the product as a drug as required by 21 CFR 201.66. The “over-the-counter-drug” label includes:
A drug facts panel; or
A statement of the active ingredients, with a list of those ingredients contained in the compound, substance or preparation;
“Over-the-counter-drug” does not include grooming and hygiene products;
“Permanent location” does not include any booths or space located at a flea market, antique mall, craft show, antique show, gun show, auto show or any similar type business;
“Person” includes any individual, firm, co-partnership, joint venture, association, corporation, estate, trust, business trust, receiver, syndicate, any governmental agency whose services are essentially a private commercial concern, or other group or combination acting as a unit, in the plural as well as the singular number. “Person” further includes any political subdivision or governmental agency, including electric membership corporations or cooperatives, and utility districts, to the extent that such agency sells at retail, rents or furnishes any of the things or services taxable under this chapter;
“Place of primary use” means the street address representative of where the customer's use of the telecommunications service primarily occurs, which must be the residential street address or the primary business street address of the customer. In the case of mobile telecommunications service, “place of primary use” shall be within the licensed service area of the home service provider;
“Preliminary artwork” means tangible personal property and digital equivalents that are produced by an advertising agency in the course of providing advertising services solely for the purpose of conveying concepts or ideas or demonstrating an idea or message to a client and includes, but is not limited to concept sketches, illustrations, drawings, paintings, models, photographs, storyboards or similar materials;
“Prepaid calling service” means the right to access exclusively telecommunications services that must be paid for in advance and that enable the origination of calls using an access number or authorization code, whether manually or electronically dialed, and that is sold in predetermined units or dollars of which the number declines with use in a known amount;
“Prepaid wireless calling service” means a telecommunications service that provides the right to utilize mobile wireless service, as well as other nontelecommunications services, including the download of digital products delivered electronically, content and ancillary services that must be paid for in advance that is sold in predetermined units of dollars of which the number declines with use in a known amount;
(A)  “Prepared food” means:
Food sold in a heated state or heated by the seller;
Two (2) or more food ingredients mixed or combined by the seller for sale as a single item; or
Food sold with eating utensils provided by the seller, including plates, knives, forks, spoons, glasses, cups, napkins, or straws. A plate does not include a container or packaging used to transport the food;
“Prepared food” in subdivision (72)(A)(ii) does not include food that is only cut, repackaged, or pasteurized by the seller, and eggs, fish, meat, poultry, and foods containing these raw animal foods requiring cooking by the consumer as recommended by the food and drug administration (FDA) in chapter 3, § 401.11 of the FDA’s food code so as to prevent food borne illnesses;
“Prescription” means an order, formula or recipe issued in any form of oral, written, electronic, or other means of transmission by a duly licensed practitioner authorized by the laws of this state;
“Prewritten computer software” means computer software, including prewritten upgrades, that is not designed and developed by the author or other creator to the specifications of a specific purchaser. The combining of two (2) or more prewritten computer software programs or prewritten portions of computer software does not cause the combination to be other than prewritten computer software. “Prewritten computer software” includes software designed and developed by the author or other creator to the specifications of a specific purchaser when it is sold to a person other than the purchaser. Where a person modifies or enhances computer software of which the person is not the author or creator, the person shall be deemed to be the author or creator only of that person's modifications or enhancements. “Prewritten computer software” or a prewritten portion of the computer software that is modified or enhanced to any degree, where the modification or enhancement is designed and developed to the specifications of a specific purchaser, remains prewritten computer software; provided, however, that where there is a reasonable, separately stated charge or an invoice or other statement of the price given to the purchaser for the modification or enhancement, the modification or enhancement shall not constitute prewritten computer software;
“Private communication service” means a telecommunications service that entitles the customer to exclusive or priority use of a communications channel or group of channels between or among termination points, regardless of the manner in which such channel or channels are connected, and includes switching capacity, extension lines, stations, and any other associated services that are provided in connection with the use of such channel or channels;
(A)  “Prosthetic device” means a replacement, corrective, or supportive device including repair and replacement parts for the replacement, corrective, or supportive device worn on or in the body to:
Artificially replace a missing portion of the body;
Prevent or correct physical deformity or malfunction; or
Support a weak or deformed portion of the body;
“Prosthetic device” does not include:
Corrective eyeglasses; or
Contact lenses;
“Protective equipment” means items for human wear, designed as protection of the wearer against injury or disease or as protection against damage or injury of other persons or property, but not suitable for general use;
“Purchase price” applies to the measure subject to use tax and has the same meaning as sales price;
“Qualified data center” means a data center that has made a required capital investment in excess of one hundred million dollars ($100,000,000) during an investment period not to exceed three (3) years and that creates at least fifteen (15) net new full-time employee jobs during the investment period paying at least one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the states' average occupational wage as defined in § 67-4-2004. For purposes of this subdivision (79), “required capital investment” means an increase of a business investment in real property, tangible personal property or computer software owned or leased in the state, valued in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. A capital investment shall be deemed to have been made as of the date of payment or the date the taxpayer enters into a legally binding commitment or contract for purchase or construction. For purposes of this subdivision (79), “full-time employee job” means a permanent, rather than seasonal or part-time employment position for at least twelve (12) consecutive months to a person for at least thirty-seven and one-half (37 ½) hours per week with minimum health care, as described in title 56, chapter 7, part 22. The three-year period for making the required capital investment provided for in this subdivision (79) may be extended by the commissioner of economic and community development for a reasonable period, not to exceed four (4) years, for good cause shown. For purposes of this subdivision (79), “good cause” means a determination by the commissioner of economic and community development that the capital investment is a result of the exemption for industrial machinery used by a qualified data center;
“Rain check” means the seller allows a customer to purchase an item at a certain price at a later time, because the particular item was out of stock;
(A)  “Resale” means a subsequent, bona fide sale of the property, services, or taxable item by the purchaser. “Sale for resale” means the sale of the property, services, or taxable item intended for subsequent resale by the purchaser. Any sales for resale shall, however, be in strict compliance with rules and regulations promulgated by the commissioner;
(i)  “Sale for resale” does not include a sale of tangible personal property or software to a dealer for use in the business of selling services. Property used in the business of selling services includes, but is not limited to, property that is regularly furnished to purchasers of the service without separate charge. A dealer that sells services shall be considered the end user and consumer of property used in selling, performing, or furnishing such services. However, “sale for resale” does include the following items in the circumstances described:
Repair parts or other property sold to a dealer if such property is subsequently transferred to the customer in conjunction with the dealer's performance of repair services, regardless of whether the dealer makes a separately stated charge for such property;
Installation parts or other property sold to a dealer if such property is subsequently transferred to the customer in conjunction with the installation of property that remains tangible personal property following such installation, regardless of whether the dealer makes a separately stated charge for such property;
Mobile telephones and similar devices sold to a dealer if such property is subsequently transferred to the customer in conjunction with the sale of commercial mobile radio services (CMRS), regardless of whether the dealer makes a separately stated charge for such property; and
Food or beverages sold to a hotel, motel, inn or other dealer that provides lodging accommodations if such food or beverages are subsequently transferred to the customer in conjunction with the dealer's sale of lodging accommodations to the customer, regardless of whether the dealer makes a separately stated charge for such property;
“Sale for resale” does not include a sale of services to a dealer for use in the business of selling, leasing, or renting tangible personal property or computer software. Services used in the business of selling, leasing, or renting tangible personal property include, but are not limited to, services such as cleaning, maintaining, or repairing property that is held as inventory for sale, lease, or rental. A dealer that sells, leases, or rents tangible personal property or computer software shall be considered the end user and consumer of services used in conducting such business;
Nothing in this subdivision (81) shall be construed as amending or otherwise effecting the exemption provided in § 67-6-392;
“Retail sale” or “sale at retail” means any sale, lease, or rental for any purpose other than for resale, sublease, or subrent;
“Retailer” means and includes every person engaged in the business of making sales at retail, or for distribution, use, consumption, storage to be used or consumed in this state or furnishing any of the things or services taxable under this chapter and every marketplace facilitator;
(A)  “Sale” means any transfer of title or possession, or both, exchange, barter, lease or rental, conditional or otherwise, in any manner or by any means whatsoever of tangible personal property for a consideration, and includes the fabrication of tangible personal property for consumers who furnish, either directly or indirectly, the materials used in fabrication work, and the furnishing, repairing or serving for a consideration of any tangible personal property consumed on the premises of the person furnishing, preparing or serving such tangible personal property;
A transaction whereby the possession of property is transferred but the seller retains title as security for the payment of the price shall be deemed a sale; provided, that where title to property is taken by an industrial development corporation, within the meaning of title 7, chapter 53, but the property is leased to a taxpayer, the transaction shall be regarded, for purposes of this chapter, as a sale to and purchase by the industrial development corporation followed by a lease, regardless of whether the lessee has an option to purchase any or all of the property from the industrial development corporation;
“Sale” includes the furnishing of any of the things or services taxable under this chapter;
“Sale” includes the sale, gifts in connection with valuable contributions, exchange or other disposition of admission, dues or fees to membership sports and recreation clubs, places of amusement or recreational or athletic events or for the privilege of having access to or the use of amusement, recreational, athletic or entertainment facilities. Such establishments or facilities include, but are not limited to, the amusement and recreational facilities and motion picture theaters described in the standard industrial classification index prepared by the bureau of the budget of the federal government;
“Sale” includes the renting or providing of space to a dealer or vendor without a permanent location in this state or to persons who are registered for sales tax at other locations in this state but who are making sales at this location on a less than permanent basis;
“Sale” includes the processing of photographic film into negatives and/or photographic prints for resale;
“Sale” includes charges for admission, dues or fees that constitute a sale under this subdivision (84), except tickets for admission sold to a Tennessee dealer for resale upon presentation of a resale certificate. Dealers registered with the state for sales tax purposes may purchase tickets for resale without payment of tax upon presentation to the vendor of a valid certificate of resale;
“Sale” includes all transactions that the commissioner, upon investigation, finds to be in lieu of sales;
“Sale” includes a transfer of possession or control of property under a security agreement or deferred payment plan that requires the transfer of title upon completion of the required payments;
“Sale” includes a transfer of possession or control of property under an agreement that requires the transfer of title upon completion of required payments and payment of an option price that does not exceed the greater of one hundred dollars ($100) or one percent (1%) of the total required payments;
“Sale” includes any transfer of title or possession, or both, lease or licensing, in any manner or by any means whatsoever of computer software for consideration, and includes the creation of computer software on the premises of the consumer and any programming, transferring or loading of computer software into a computer; and
“Sale” includes any sale, as otherwise defined in this subdivision (84), made or facilitated by a marketplace facilitator;
(A)  “Sales price” applies to the measure subject to sales tax and means the total amount of consideration, including cash, credit, property, and services, for which personal property or services are sold, leased, or rented, valued in money, whether received in money or otherwise, without any deduction for the following:
The seller's cost of the property sold;
The cost of materials used, labor or service cost, interest, losses, all costs of transportation to the seller, all taxes imposed on the seller, and any other expense of the seller;
Charges by the seller for any services necessary to complete the sale, other than delivery and installation charges;
Delivery charges;
Installation charges; and
The value of exempt personal property given to the purchaser where taxable and exempt personal property have been bundled together and sold by the seller as a single product or piece of merchandise;
“Sales price” does not include:
Discounts, including cash, term, or coupons that are not reimbursed by a third party that are allowed by a seller and taken by a purchaser on a sale;
Interest, financing, and carrying charges from credit extended on the sale of personal property or services, if the amount is separately stated on the invoice, bill of sale or similar document given to the purchaser;
Any taxes legally imposed directly on the consumer that are separately stated on the invoice, bill of sale or similar document given to the purchaser; and
Credit for any trade-in, as determined by § 67-6-510, that is separately stated on an invoice or similar billing document given to the purchaser;
“Sales price” includes consideration received by the seller from third parties, if:
The seller actually receives consideration from a party other than the purchaser, and the consideration is directly related to a price reduction or discount on the sale;
The seller has an obligation to pass the price reduction or discount through to the purchaser;
The amount of the consideration attributable to the sale is fixed and determinable by the seller at the time of the sale of the item to the purchaser; and
One of the following criteria is met:
The purchaser presents a coupon, certificate or other documentation to the seller to claim a price reduction or discount, where the coupon, certificate or documentation is authorized, distributed or granted by a third party, with the understanding that the third party will reimburse any seller to whom the coupon, certificate or documentation is presented;
The purchaser identifies itself to the seller as a member of a group or organization entitled to a price reduction or discount. A preferred customer card that is available to any patron does not constitute membership in such a group; or
The price reduction or discount is identified as a third-party price reduction or discount on the invoice received by the purchaser, or on a coupon, certificate or other documentation presented by the purchaser;
“School art supplies” means an item commonly used by a student in a course of study for artwork. For purposes of this chapter, the following is an all-inclusive list of “school art supplies”:
Clay and glazes;
Paintbrushes for artwork;
Paints, acrylic, tempera, and oil;
Sketch and drawing pads; and
“School computer supplies” means an item commonly used by a student in a course of study in which a computer is used. For purposes of this chapter, the following is an all-inclusive list of “school computer supplies”:
Computer printers;
Computer storage media, diskettes, compact disks;
Handheld electronic schedulers, except devices that are cellular phones;
Personal digital assistants, except devices that are cellular phones; and
Printer supplies for computers, printer paper, printer ink;
“School instructional materials” means written material commonly used by a student in a course of study as a reference and to learn the subject being taught. For purposes of this chapter, the following is an all-inclusive list of “school instructional materials”:
Reference books;
Reference maps and globes;
Textbooks; and
“School supplies” means an item used by a student in a course of study. For purposes of this chapter, the following is an all-inclusive list of “school supplies”:
Blackboard chalk;
Book bags;
Cellophane tape;
Composition books;
Folders, expandable, pocket, plastic and manila;
Glue, paste, and paste sticks;
Index cards;
Index card boxes;
Legal pads;
Lunch boxes;
Paper, loose leaf ruled notebook paper, copy paper, graph paper, tracing paper, manila paper, colored paper, poster board, and construction paper;
Pencil boxes and other school supply boxes;
Pencil sharpeners;
Scissors; and
Writing tablets;
“Service address” means the location of the telecommunications equipment to which a customer's call is charged and from which the call originates or terminates, regardless of where the call is billed or paid. In the event this may not be known, service address means the origination point of the signal of the telecommunication service first identified by either the seller's telecommunication system or in information received by the seller from its service provider, where the system used to transport the signal is not that of the seller. In the event that neither the location of the telecommunications equipment nor the origination point of the signal are known, service address means the location of the customer's place of primary use;
“Software” means computer software;
“Specified digital products” means electronically transferred digital audio-visual works, digital audio works and digital books. For purposes of this subdivision (92), “electronically transferred” means obtained by the purchaser by means other than tangible storage media;
“Sport or recreational equipment” means items designed for human use and worn in conjunction with an athletic or recreational activity that are not suitable for general use;
“Storage” means and includes any keeping or retention in this state of tangible personal property for use or consumption in this state, or for any purpose other than sale at retail in the regular course of business; provided, that temporary storage pending shipping or mailing of tangible personal property to nonresidents of Tennessee shall not constitute a taxable use in Tennessee;
(A)  “Tangible personal property” means personal property that can be seen, weighed, measured, felt, or touched, or that is in any other manner perceptible to the senses. “Tangible personal property” includes electricity, water, gas, steam, and prewritten computer software;
“Tangible personal property” does not include signals broadcast over the airwaves;
“Tangible personal property” does not include fiber-optic cable after it has become attached to a utility pole, building, or other structure or installed underground. Such fiber-optic cable is deemed realty for purposes of this chapter upon installation;
(A)  “Telecommunications service” means the electronic transmission, conveyance, or routing of voice, data, audio, video, or any other information or signals to a point, or between or among points. “Telecommunications service” includes such transmission, conveyance, or routing in which computer processing applications are used to act on the form, code or protocol of the content for purposes of transmission, conveyance or routing, without regard to whether such service is referred to as voice over internet protocol services or is classified by the federal communications commission as enhanced or value added;
“Telecommunications service” does not include:
Data processing and information services that allow data to be generated, acquired, stored, processed, or retrieved and delivered by electronic transmission to a purchaser, where such purchaser's primary purpose for the underlying transaction is the processed data or information;
Installation or maintenance of wiring or equipment on a customer's premises;
Tangible personal property;
Advertising including, but not limited to, directory advertising;
Billing and collection services provided to third parties;
Internet access service;
Radio and television audio and video programming services, regardless of the medium, including the furnishing of transmission, conveyance and routing of such services by the programming service provider. Radio and television audio and video programming services shall include, but not be limited to, cable service (47 U.S.C. § 522(6)), and audio and video programming services delivered by commercial mobile radio service providers, as defined in 47 CFR 20.3;
Ancillary services; or
Digital products delivered electronically, including, but not limited to, computer software, music, video, reading materials or ringtones;
“Textbook” means a printed book that contains systematically organized educational information that covers the primary objectives of a course of study. A textbook may contain stories and excerpts of popular fiction and nonfiction writings, but does not include a book primarily published and distributed for sale to the general public. The term “textbook” does not include a computer or computer software;
“Time-share estate” means an ownership or leasehold estate in property devoted to a time-share fee, tenants in common, time span ownership, interval ownership, and a time-share lease;
“Tobacco” means cigarettes, cigars, chewing or pipe tobacco, or any other item that contains tobacco;
(A)  “Use” means and includes the exercise of any right or power over tangible personal property incident to the ownership thereof, except that it does not include the sale at retail of that property in the regular course of business;
“Use” means the coming to rest in Tennessee of catalogues, advertising fliers, or other advertising publications distributed to residents of Tennessee in interstate commerce; provided, that the labeling, temporary storage, and other handling in connection with mailing or shipping of the catalogues, advertising fliers and other advertising publications in interstate commerce to nonresidents of Tennessee shall not constitute a taxable use in Tennessee; and
“Use” also means and includes the consumption of any of the services and amusements taxable under this chapter;
“Use tax” includes the “use,” “consumption,” “distribution” and “storage” as defined in this section;
“Video game digital product” means the right to access and use computer software that facilitates human interaction with a user interface to generate visual feedback for amusement purposes, when possession of the computer software is maintained by the seller or a third party, regardless of whether the charge for the service is on a per use, per user, per license, subscription, or some other basis;
(A)  “Video programming services” means programming provided by or generally considered comparable to programming provided by a television broadcast station and shall include cable television services sold by a provider authorized pursuant to title 7, chapter 59, wireless cable television services (multipoint distribution service/multichannel multipoint distribution service) and video services provided through wireline facilities located at least in part in the public rights-of-way without regard to delivery technology, including internet protocol technology;
“Video programming services” does not include any of the following:
Digital products transferred electronically, including, but not limited to, software, ringtones, and reading materials such as books, magazines, and newspapers;
Audio and video programming services provided by a commercial mobile service provider as defined in 47 U.S.C. § 332(d);
Audio and video programming services provided as part of, or incidental to, internet access service, such as, but not limited to, video capable email; provided, that the services are not generally considered comparable to programming provided by a television broadcast station; and
Direct-to-home satellite television programming services; and
“Workbook” means a printed booklet that contains problems and exercises in which a student may directly write answers or responses to the problems and exercises. The term “workbook” does not include a computer or computer software.