It shall be the duty of the bail bondsman to collect the tax imposed by this part and to remit the tax to the department in such manner as the department may determine. A special account shall be created by the department into which all taxes collected under this part shall be deposited. All remitted revenues shall be maintained in such segregated account within the department until distributed or deposited, as required in this section, into the civil legal representation of indigents fund authorized and created by § 16-3-808. Such funds derived from the tax imposed and collected pursuant to this part shall be expended or distributed as follows:
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Chapter 4 - Privilege and Excise Taxes
§ 67-4-802. Supervision and Collection of Tax — Forms
§ 67-4-804. Additional Tax Imposed — Continuation of Previous Bond
§ 67-4-805. Effect of Nonpayment on Validity and Issuance of Bond
§ 67-4-806. Duty of Bail Bondsman to Collect Tax — Disposition of Collections