2021 Tennessee Code
Part 10 - Tobacco Tax Law
§ 67-4-1007. Counterfeiting and Misuse of Stamps

Any person who shall falsely and fraudulently make, forge, alter or counterfeit a stamp or stamps so prescribed by the commissioner, or who shall cause or procure to be falsely or fraudulently made, forged, altered, or counterfeited such stamps, or make, cause to be made, or attempt to procure a counterfeit stamp, device or equipment that may be used alone, or in conjunction with some other device or equipment, for the purpose of fraudulently making a counterfeit stamp or tax indicia, or who shall knowingly and willfully utter, publish, pass or tender as true, any false, altered, forged, or counterfeited stamps prescribed by this part, or who shall reuse any stamp previously affixed, commits a Class E felony.