Any sheriff or constable, into whose hands the subpoena may come, shall execute it, without delay, on the witness or witnesses named in it, but not unless the party suing out the subpoena pay or tender to the sheriff or constable a fee of one dollar ($1.00) for summoning each witness.
Code 1858, § 2063 (deriv. Acts 1833, ch. 92, § 11); Shan., § 3740; Code 1932, § 7655; modified; T.C.A. (orig. ed.), § 64-2311.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Chapter 23 - Authentication of Instruments by Witnesses
§ 66-23-101. Witnesses Outside State When Maker Unavailable
§ 66-23-102. Witnesses Within State
§ 66-23-103. One Witness in State
§ 66-23-104. One Witness Competent
§ 66-23-105. Witnesses in Another State
§ 66-23-106. Witnesses Outside Country
§ 66-23-107. Testimony Before Foreign Court — Proof of Handwriting
§ 66-23-108. Subpoena for Witnesses
§ 66-23-111. Execution of Subpoena
§ 66-23-112. Liability of Witness for Failure to Attend
§ 66-23-113. Sheriff's Liability for Failure to Serve Subpoena
§ 66-23-114. Proof of Handwriting of Maker
§ 66-23-115. Proof by Handwriting of Maker or Witnesses
§ 66-23-116. Examination of Witnesses
§ 66-23-117. Form of Certificate of Probate
§ 66-23-118. Certificate Adapted to Mode of Proof
§ 66-23-119. Annexed Papers When Proof Made in Foreign Court