The general assembly declares that the policy of this state is to foster the development of an efficient, technologically advanced, statewide system of telecommunications services by permitting competition in all telecommunications services markets, and by permitting alternative forms of regulation for telecommunications services and telecommunications services providers. To that end, the regulation of telecommunications services and telecommunications services providers shall protect the interests of consumers without unreasonable prejudice or disadvantage to any telecommunications services provider; universal service shall be maintained; and rates charged to residential customers for essential telecommunications services shall remain affordable.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 65 - Public Utilities and Carriers
Chapter 4 - Regulation of Public Utilities by Commission
§ 65-4-101. Chapter Definitions
§ 65-4-102. Railroads Excluded
§ 65-4-103. Interstate Commerce Excepted
§ 65-4-106. Construction of Chapter
§ 65-4-108. Appeal to Commission From Local Regulation
§ 65-4-109. Issuance of Stocks or Other Evidences of Indebtedness
§ 65-4-110. Depreciation Account for Protection of Holders of Securities
§ 65-4-114. Service Requirements
§ 65-4-115. Unjust Practices and Unsafe Services Prohibited
§ 65-4-119. Complaints Referred to Employees
§ 65-4-120. Penalty for Noncompliance With Authority
§ 65-4-123. Declaration of Telecommunications Services Policy