2021 Tennessee Code
Chapter 18 - Incline Railroad Companies
§ 65-18-107. Regulations for Running Trains — Freight and Passengers

The board of directors shall fix regulations for the running of trains, for the transportation of passengers and property, and shall furnish sufficient accommodation for their safe, comfortable, and convenient transportation, and shall take, transport, and discharge such passengers and property at, from, and to such places, on the due payment of freight tolls, and fare legally authorized to be charged therefor; and, in case of the refusal of the corporation, its officers or agents, to take and transport any passenger, if not by law excused, or property, or to deliver the same, or either of them, at the regular and appointed time, such corporation shall pay to the party aggrieved all damages thereby suffered, with cost of suit. If any passenger refuses to pay the required fare, the conductor may put such passenger off the cars at any station or convenient point where such passenger can step on land. The corporation shall make no contract giving any person a preference in the speedy shipment of freight.