All permit applications and other documents received by a local legislative body pursuant to this chapter, and any documents used by the local legislative body to evaluate the permit application, shall be subject to disclosure under § 10-7-503; except, that at all times under this chapter, proprietary information contained in a permit application or in other documents received by the local government pursuant to this chapter, or in any other documents used by the local government to evaluate and approve or deny the permit applications, shall remain confidential and not subject to disclosure to the public pursuant to this section, § 10-7-503, or any other law.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 65 - Public Utilities and Carriers
Chapter 17 - Wind Energy Facility Siting
§ 65-17-101. Chapter Definitions
§ 65-17-106. Local Government Report on Permitting Activities
§ 65-17-108. Information Subject to Disclosure
§ 65-17-110. Dissemination of Model Local Legislation
§ 65-17-111. Chapter Supplemental to Other Law