If the transportation network company is informed through the complaint procedure as described in § 65-15-305(a) that a rider reasonably suspects that a driver was under the influence of drugs or alcohol during the course of a trip, the transportation network company shall instruct the rider who filed the complaint to also report the driver's suspected drug or alcohol use to a local law enforcement agency having jurisdiction over any criminal offense that may have occurred as a result of a driver being under the influence of drugs or alcohol. A transportation network company shall comply with any investigation by the local law enforcement agency.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 65 - Public Utilities and Carriers
Part 3 - Transportation Network Companies
§ 65-15-303. Agent for Service
§ 65-15-304. Duties of Transportation Network Company Operating in State
§ 65-15-306. Individuals Prohibited From Acting as Drivers
§ 65-15-307. Acceptance of Street Hails Prohibited
§ 65-15-311. Suspected Drug or Alcohol Use During Course of Trip