In addition to the general powers, railroad terminal corporations have the power to acquire, in this or any other state or states, and at such place or places as shall be found expedient, such real estate as may be necessary on which to construct, operate, and maintain passenger stations, comprising passenger depots, office buildings, sheds, and storage yards; and freight stations, comprising freight depots, warehouses, offices, and freight yards, roundhouses, and machine shops; also main and side tracks, switches, crossovers, turnouts, and other terminal railroad facilities, appurtenances, and accommodations suitable, in size, location, and manner of construction, to perform promptly and efficiently the work of receiving, delivering, and transferring all passengers and freight traffic of railroad companies with which it may enter into contracts for the use of its terminal facilities at such place or places. Such corporation has the power, by purchase, lease, or assignment of lease, to acquire and hold, and to lease to others, such real estate as may be necessary for the above mentioned purpose of its incorporation; and it may also acquire such real estate by condemnation, in pursuance of the general law authorizing the condemnation of private property for works of internal improvement.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 65 - Public Utilities and Carriers
Chapter 14 - Terminal Companies
§ 65-14-102. Right to Construct Facilities Across or Along Streets and Alleys
§ 65-14-103. Authority to Acquire, Hold and Dispose of Stock or Bonds
§ 65-14-104. Keeping of Hotel, Restaurant, and Newsstand
§ 65-14-105. Leasing of Terminal Facilities to Railroad Companies
§ 65-14-106. Lessee Railroads — Guarantee of Principal and Interest of Bonds and Other Contracts