2021 Tennessee Code
Part 2 - Subcontractor's Lien Against Railroad
§ 65-10-201. Direct Lien Against Railroad Authorized

Every subcontractor, laborer, materialman, or other person who performs any part of the work in grading any railroad company's roadway, or who constructs or aids in the construction or repairs of its culverts and bridges, or furnishes cross-ties or masonry or bridge timbers for the same, which is used in the building and construction of such railroad, its bridges and culverts, or who lays or aids in the laying of its track, building of its bridges, the erection of its depots, platforms, wood or water stations, section houses, machine shops, or other buildings, or for the delivery of material for any of these purposes, or for any engineering or superintendence, or who performs any valuable service, manual or professional, by which any such railroad company receives a benefit, all and every such person or persons at election shall have a direct lien on such railroad, its franchises and property, for the value of such work and labor done or material furnished or services rendered as set out and specified, in as full and ample a manner as is provided by § 65-10-101, for persons contracting directly with such railroad company for any such work and labor done or for materials furnished.