2021 Tennessee Code
Chapter 32 - Health Care Consumer Right-to-Know Act of 1998
§ 63-32-107. Publication of Provider Profiles — Certain Restrictions

The department of health, in implementing § 63-32-105 shall not disseminate a provider profile by electronic media, including the World Wide Web of the internet or toll-free telephone line before May 1, 1999. The department shall conduct a study of the impact of publication of provider profiles by electronic media on the personal safety of providers and their families, and shall report its findings to the government operations committees on or before October 1, 1998. The department shall include in such report a sample profile designed with safeguards recommended by the department pursuant to the aforementioned study. No later than January 1, 1999, and after public hearing, the board shall promulgate regulations to eliminate, to the extent practicable, the possibility that certain information contained in such profiles may jeopardize the personal safety of providers and their families.