2021 Tennessee Code
Chapter 31 - Polysomnography
§ 63-31-101. Chapter Definitions

As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
Observing and monitoring physical signs and symptoms, general behavior, and general physical response to polysomnographic evaluation and determining whether initiation, modification, or discontinuation of a treatment regimen is warranted;
Analyzing and scoring data collected during the monitoring described in subdivisions (9)(A)(i) and (ii) for the purpose of assisting a licensed physician in the diagnosis and treatment of sleep and wake disorders that result from developmental defects, the aging process, physical injury, disease, or actual or anticipated somatic dysfunction;
Implementation of a written or verbal order from a licensed physician that requires the practice of polysomnography; and
Education of a patient regarding the treatment regimen that assists the patient in improving the patient's sleep;
A licensed dentist shall make or direct the making and use of any oral appliance used to treat sleep disordered breathing and shall evaluate the structures of the patient's oral and maxillofacial region for purposes of fitting the appliance;
The practice of polysomnography shall take place only in a hospital, a stand-alone sleep laboratory or sleep center, or in the patient's home in accordance with a physician's order; provided, however, that the scoring of data and the education of patients may take place in settings other than in a sleep laboratory, sleep center or the patient's home; and
“Sleep-related services” means acts performed by polysomnographic technicians, polysomnographic trainees, polysomnographic students, and other persons permitted to perform those services under this chapter, in a setting described in subdivision (9)(C) that would be considered the practice of polysomnography if performed by a polysomnographic technologist.