Nothing in this part shall be construed to provide that a limited licensed electrician is a contractor. It is the intent of this part to provide that a limited licensed electrician is subject to the jurisdiction of the board solely for the purposes of licensure and disciplinary proceedings. No limited licensed electrician shall be authorized to use the appellation “contractor” or any other designation that gives or is designed to give the impression that a limited licensed electrician is a contractor unless the limited licensed electrician also holds a valid contractor's license issued by the board.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 62 - Professions, Businesses and Trades
Chapter 6 - Contractors and Contracting
§ 62-6-102. Chapter Definitions
§ 62-6-113. Issuance of Duplicate Certificate
§ 62-6-114. Certificate as Evidence of Rights
§ 62-6-115. Corporations and Partnerships
§ 62-6-117. Certificate Issued to Person Who Enters or Has Entered Military Service
§ 62-6-123. Indemnify or Hold Harmless Agreement Invalid
§ 62-6-125. Hearings and Judicial Review
§ 62-6-130. Limited Licensed Electricians Not Contractors