Except as set forth in § 62-5-704, and in the absence of disposition directions or a pre-need funeral contract, the right to control the disposition of the decedent’s remains, the location, manner and conditions of disposition, and arrangements for funeral goods and services to be provided vests in the following persons in the order named; provided, that such person is a qualified adult:
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 62 - Professions, Businesses and Trades
Chapter 5 - Funeral Directors and Embalmers
Part 7 - Disposition of Human Remains
§ 62-5-703. Order in Which Rights to Control Vest
§ 62-5-704. Circumstances Under Which Rights Forfeited
§ 62-5-707. Funeral Establishment's Right to Rely on Contract or Authorization
§ 62-5-708. Reasonable Reliance Upon Instructions
§ 62-5-709. Release of Remains to Selected Funeral Establishment