Any person licensed under this chapter may retire the license by submitting a form prescribed by the board accompanied by the current active license and a fee in an amount set by rules promulgated by the board. Upon receipt of an acceptable application to retire the license, the board shall issue a retired inactive license certificate to the retiree. The holder of a retired license shall not be entitled to engage in the practice of any of the areas for which a license is issued under this chapter until the person's license is reactivated in a manner approved by the board.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 62 - Professions, Businesses and Trades
Chapter 4 - Tennessee Cosmetology Act of 1986
§ 62-4-108. License Required to Practice or Teach
§ 62-4-115. Fee for Replacement or Correction of License
§ 62-4-116. Reciprocity — License Without Examination
§ 62-4-119. Responsibilities of Owner and Manager of Shop
§ 62-4-123. Time Period for Completion of Coursework
§ 62-4-124. Teaching Outside Licensed School
§ 62-4-126. Identification of School or Shop
§ 62-4-128. Licenses Neither Transferable nor Assignable
§ 62-4-130. Administrative Procedures
§ 62-4-132. Retired Inactive License