2021 Tennessee Code
Chapter 35 - Private Protective Services Licensing and Regulatory Act
§ 62-35-114. Certificates of Insurance — General Liability Coverage

All licensees and employers of private security guards/officers shall retain a certificate of insurance evidencing general liability coverage for the negligent act or acts of the principal insured or the principal insured's agents operating in the course and scope of employment for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage, with endorsements for personal injury, including false arrest, libel, slander and invasion of privacy, in the minimum amount of three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) for bodily or personal injury and one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) for property damage. The certificate shall be available for inspection during normal business hours on request of the commissioner or duly appointed and identified representative or representatives. The certificates shall provide that the insurance shall not be modified or cancelled without thirty (30) days' prior notice to the commissioner. All persons required to be insured by this chapter must be insured by a carrier approved in the state in which the insurance has been purchased or in this state.