On or before July 1, 1998, any municipality, incorporated before June 13, 1997, that has not adopted a personnel policy by ordinance, resolution, or otherwise, shall adopt such a policy that applies fairly, impartially, and uniformly, to the extent practicable, to each department of the municipal government. The policy may include, but not be limited to, hiring procedures, benefits, personnel rules and regulations, fair and reasonable complaint conferences and hearing procedures for employees dismissed, demoted, or suspended; procedures for compliance with federal laws such as, but not limited to, the Fair Labor Standards Act (29 U.S.C. § 201 et seq.), and the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. § 12101 et seq.); drug and alcohol testing policy; and a sexual harassment policy. The policy may not grant a property right or contract right to the job to any employee. The municipality may work with the University of Tennessee Municipal Technical Advisory Service, in cooperation with the Tennessee Municipal League, in developing its policy. A copy of the resolution or ordinance adopting the policy, or its caption, shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality before final adoption of the policy. A copy of the personnel policy as required by this section shall be kept in the office of the city recorder or clerk and made available to an employee on request. Any municipality incorporated after June 13, 1997, shall have two (2) years after incorporation to adopt and implement a personnel policy pursuant to this section.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Chapter 54 - Municipal Powers Generally
§ 6-54-101. Division Into Wards
§ 6-54-102. Redistricting Into New Wards
§ 6-54-103. Owning Real Estate Outside Limits
§ 6-54-104. Regulation of Electrical Work
§ 6-54-105. Regulation of Sale of Commodities
§ 6-54-106. Regulation of Powder Magazines
§ 6-54-107. Interest of Officer in Municipal Contracts Prohibited
§ 6-54-108. Penalty for Unlawful Interest of Officer
§ 6-54-109. Municipal Control of Utilities
§ 6-54-115. Exemption of Property From Seizure
§ 6-54-117. Construction of Entertainment Facilities
§ 6-54-123. Personnel Policies
§ 6-54-126. Zoning Limitations on Agricultural Land
§ 6-54-132. Wheel Immobilizers
§ 6-54-133. Design Review Commission — Authority — Members — Appeal of Decisions
§ 6-54-134. Sale of Surplus Property by Public Auction Includes Sale by Internet Auction
§ 6-54-135. Allowing Pet Dogs in Outdoor Dining Areas at Restaurants
§ 6-54-145. Stopping Addiction and Fostering Excellence (Safe) Act