2021 Tennessee Code
Chapter 11 - Weighing of Coal and Minerals
§ 59-11-102. Recordkeeping — Disputes — Settlement

It shall be a further duty of such checkweigher or checkmeasurer to credit each miner with all merchantable coal or other mineral mined by the miner, on a proper sheet or book kept by such person for that purpose. When differences arise between the checkweigher or checkmeasurer and the agent or owners of the mine, as to the uniformity, capacity of scales or cars used, the same shall be referred to the mine inspector of the district where the mine is located, whose duty it shall be to regulate the same at once; and, in the event of such scales or cars proving to be correct, then the party or parties applying for the testing thereof shall pay all costs and expenses thereof; but, if not correct, then the owner or owners of the mine to pay the cost and charges of making the examination.