2021 Tennessee Code
Part 1 - Operation of Vehicles — Rules of the Road
§ 55-8-137. Pedestrians to Use Right Half of Crosswalks

Pedestrians shall move, whenever practicable, upon the right half of crosswalks.

Structure 2021 Tennessee Code

2021 Tennessee Code

Title 55 - Motor and Other Vehicles

Chapter 8 - Operation of Vehicles — Rules of the Road

Part 1 - Operation of Vehicles — Rules of the Road

§ 55-8-101. Chapter and Part Definitions

§ 55-8-103. Required Obedience to Traffic Laws — Penalty

§ 55-8-105. Persons Riding Animals or Driving Animal-Drawn Vehicles

§ 55-8-106. Public Officers and Employees — Exceptions

§ 55-8-107. Persons Working on Highways — Exceptions

§ 55-8-111. Pedestrian-Control Signals

§ 55-8-116. Passing Vehicles Proceeding in Opposite Directions

§ 55-8-117. Overtaking and Passing of Vehicles

§ 55-8-119. Limitations on Overtaking and Passing on the Left

§ 55-8-121. No-Passing Zones

§ 55-8-123. Driving on Roadways Laned for Traffic

§ 55-8-125. Driving on Divided Highways

§ 55-8-131. Vehicle Entering Highway From Drive, Private Road, or Private Driveway

§ 55-8-137. Pedestrians to Use Right Half of Crosswalks

§ 55-8-140. Required Position and Method of Turning at Intersections

§ 55-8-150. Emerging From Alley, Driveway or Building

§ 55-8-152. Speed Limits — Penalties

§ 55-8-157. Charging Violations

§ 55-8-163. Limitations on Backing

§ 55-8-166. Driving on Mountain Highways

§ 55-8-178. Regulations Governing Nonmotor Vehicles and Animals — Penalty

§ 55-8-181. Rights and Duties of Motorcycle or Autocycle Operator

§ 55-8-186. Responsibility for Illegal Parking

§ 55-8-187. Obscene or Patently Offensive Bumper Stickers, Window Signs, or Other Markings Prohibited

§ 55-8-196. Attendance at Driver Education Course in County of Residence