2021 Tennessee Code
Part 5 - Suspension and Revocation
§ 55-50-502. Suspension of Licenses — Hearings — Period of Suspension or Revocation — Surrender of License — Restricted License — Operating Under License of Another Jurisdiction Prohibited — Appeal

Where a nonresident whose license has been suspended or revoked by any other state subsequently becomes a bona fide resident of this state, and where the person has been granted a restricted license by the other state if the triggering offense would under the laws of this state provide for the issuance of a restricted driver license upon petition to a judge of the court of general sessions, or its equivalent, for the county wherein the person resides, the court may order the issuance of a restricted motor vehicle operator's license. The court shall have discretion to order the person to operate only a motor vehicle that is equipped with a functioning ignition interlock device or place additional limitations on the person's restricted license; provided, however, that a restricted license issued pursuant to this subdivision (c)(4) without an ignition interlock requirement shall be subject to geographic restrictions, as provided in subdivision (c)(3), during the mandatory revocation/suspension period. If the person has a prior conviction within the past ten (10) years for a violation of § 55-10-401 or § 55-10-421, in this state or a similar offense in any other jurisdiction, the court shall be required to order the person to operate only a motor vehicle that is equipped with a functioning ignition interlock device. The person may obtain a certified copy of the order and within thirty (30) days after it is issued present it, together with an application fee of sixty-five dollars ($65.00), to the department, which shall then issue a restricted license embodying the limitations imposed in the order.
(A)  A restricted license issued pursuant to this subsection (j) is valid only for travel necessary for:
(A)  If a person who is issued a restricted license fails to comply with a payment plan established pursuant to this subsection (j), the court clerk shall notify the department of the person's failure to comply with the payment plan.
No municipal law enforcement officer is authorized to seize the license of an operator or chauffeur for a traffic offense in violation of a municipal ordinance or a traffic offense as provided in chapter 8 of this title.
(1)  The department is  authorized to cancel any operator's or chauffeur's license upon determining that the licensee was not entitled to the issuance of the license or that the licensee failed to give the required or correct information in the application or committed any fraud in making the application.
Upon the cancellation, the licensee must surrender the license so cancelled to the department.
(1)  The department, upon suspending or revoking a license, shall require that the license be surrendered to and be retained by the department. Prior to the reissuance of any license revoked because of a conviction of driving while under the influence of liquor or an intoxicating drug, after a second or subsequent conviction, the department shall require the owner to submit evidence that the owner has completed a program of alcohol or drug abuse education, or has completed treatment by a physician board certified or eligible in psychiatry or a licensed psychologist certified with competence in clinical psychology; or, at a facility licensed by the department of mental health and substance abuse services to provide this treatment. Certification of the psychiatrist or clinical psychologist or facility licensed by the department of mental health and substance abuse services under this section is not to be construed as a prediction of future behavior but merely certification of completion of the program.
When the examination, as required by this subsection (c), is administered by a state supported mental health facility, the facility and medical doctors or doctors of psychology employed by the facility who administer the examinations within the course and scope of the doctor's authority under the statute, shall be immune from tort liability for the proper dissemination of any report or findings to the department of safety that results from the examination; provided, that this immunity shall not extend to any other person, institution, or other member of the private sector, not employed or attached to a state supported mental health facility.
(A)  (i)  The trial judge of the court, in which the trial for the offense of operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or an intoxicating drug is pending, may order the issuance of a restricted license. The restricted license may only allow the person arrested to operate a motor vehicle for the purpose of going to and from, and working at, the person's regular place of employment, or to operate only a motor vehicle that is equipped with a functioning ignition interlock device, during the period of time between arrest and conviction, dismissal or acquittal. Any restriction ordered pursuant to this subsection (c) shall be in addition to any restrictions currently placed on the person's driver license. The trial judge may order the issuance of a restricted license allowing a person, whose license has been suspended due to a conviction for violating § 39-14-151 or chapter 10, part 5 of this title, to operate a motor vehicle for the purpose of going to and from and working at the person's regular place of employment.
A resident of this state, whose operator's license has been suspended because of an arrest in another jurisdiction on a charge of operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of an intoxicating liquor or a narcotic drug, may apply for a restricted motor vehicle operator's license during the period of time between arrest and conviction, dismissal or acquittal. Such resident shall apply for the license with any court of the county of the person's residence having jurisdiction to try charges.
(1)  This subsection (d) applies statewide.
(1)  Any resident or nonresident whose operator's or chauffeur's license or right or privilege to operate a motor vehicle in this state has been suspended or revoked as provided in this chapter shall not operate a motor vehicle in this state under a license, permit, or registration certificate issued by any other jurisdiction or otherwise during the suspension or after the revocation until a new license is obtained when and as permitted under this chapter.
The privilege of driving a motor vehicle on the highways of this state given to a nonresident hereunder is subject to suspension or revocation by the department in like manner and for like cause as an operator's or chauffeur's license issued under this chapter may be suspended or revoked.
The department is further authorized, upon receiving a record of the conviction in this state of a nonresident driver of a motor vehicle of any offense under the motor vehicle laws of this state, to forward a certified copy of the record to the motor vehicle administrator in the state wherein the person so convicted is a resident.
The department is authorized to suspend or revoke the license of any resident of this state or the privilege of a nonresident to drive a motor vehicle in this state upon receiving notice of the conviction of the person in another state of an offense therein which, if committed in this state, would be grounds for the suspension or revocation of the license of an operator or chauffeur.
(1)  The department shall not suspend a driver license or privilege to drive a motor vehicle on the public highways for a period of more than six (6) months for a first offense nor more than one (1) year for a subsequent offense, except as permitted under § 55-50-504, unless in any case an order of a court provides for a longer period of suspension. At the end of the period for which a license has been suspended, the department is authorized, in its discretion, to require a reexamination of the licensee as a prerequisite to the reissuance of the license.
Any person whose license is suspended for driving under the influence of drugs or intoxicants, or for refusal to submit to a blood test under §§ 55-10-406 and 55-10-407, shall have the period of suspension computed from the time that the person's driver license was actually taken from the person's possession, and the period of license suspension shall begin to run from that point until the license is returned.
Any person whose license or privilege to drive a motor vehicle on the public highways has been revoked shall not be entitled to have the license or privilege renewed or restored unless the revocation was for a cause that has been removed, except that after the expiration of one (1) year or the period of suspension prescribed by a court from the date on which the revoked license was surrendered to and received by the department, the person may make application for a new license as provided by law, but the department shall not issue a new license unless and until it is satisfied after investigation of the character, habits and driving ability of the person that it will be safe to grant the privilege of driving a motor vehicle on the public highways. No license that has been revoked, on account of the conviction of the licensee for murder or manslaughter resulting from the operation of a motor vehicle, shall be reissued except as provided in § 55-50-501(a)(1).
Where the revocation involved is the first revocation of the license or privilege of the person, the application for a new license may be made after the expiration of six (6) months from the date on which the revoked license was surrendered and received by the department. No license that has been revoked on account of the conviction of the licensee for murder or manslaughter resulting from the operation of a motor vehicle shall be reissued except as provided in § 55-50-501(a)(1).
When considering the suspension of a driver license, the department may take into account offenses committed by that driver outside this state and reported to the department only if the offenses would, under the laws of this state, be considered grounds for suspension in this state. If the offenses would be grounds for suspension in the state of conviction, but not in this state  they shall be disregarded by the department.
Drivers of commercial motor vehicles shall have their licenses suspended for violations and for the length of time specified in § 55-50-405.
(1)  The department shall establish a method by which any person who makes application for or who holds a commercial driver license may elect an alternate address to which any suspension notices shall be mailed.
At least two (2) times per month during two (2) different weeks of the month, the department shall make available for public inspection a list of persons whose commercial driver license has been suspended.
(1)  The court shall require every licensee who is convicted of a driving offense and who does not pay the assessed fines and costs in full on the date of disposition to make payments pursuant to an installment payment plan.
The clerk of any court that handles traffic citations shall offer a payment plan, which must be reasonable and based on a person's income and ability to pay, to any person convicted of a driving offense.
A person may request, and the court clerk shall grant, modifications to a payment plan upon a change in the person's financial circumstances or upon good cause shown. If the request for modification is denied by a deputy clerk, then the person may appeal the denial to the chief clerk. If a request for modification is denied by the chief clerk, then the person may petition the court for modifications to the payment plan based upon a change in the person's financial circumstances or upon good cause shown.
(A)  The court clerk shall inform a person who enters into a payment plan pursuant to this subsection (j) that:
Failure to timely make the payments as ordered by the court results in the suspension of the person's license and the issuance of a restricted license; and
Any default on the payment plan while the person is issued a restricted license results in the revocation of the restricted license and the person's driving privileges as described in subdivision (j)(6).
(1)  This subsection (k) shall apply only in any municipality located in any county having a population in excess of eight hundred thousand (800,000), according to the 2000 federal census or any subsequent federal census.
Notwithstanding § 28-3-110, the court clerk of any municipality may establish an accounts receivable amnesty plan for payment of any outstanding judgment resulting from failure to pay local fines or costs owed by a person whose license has been suspended, pursuant to subdivision (a)(1)(H) or (a)(1)(I). The plan shall allow the person to pay the outstanding judgment, older than ten (10) years after the cause of action has commenced, at a reduced rate of fifty percent (50%) during the first six fiscal months of each year.
The department is  authorized to reinstate a person's driving privileges when the person provides the department with certification from the court clerk of any municipality that the person has paid pursuant to this subsection (k) and has satisfied all other provisions of law relating to the issuance and restoration of a driver license.