2021 Tennessee Code
Part 1 - Establishment
§ 54-12-111. Collection Dates Fixed Upon Assessment Being Made — Assessment List Certified to Trustee to Collect — Compensation

When the assessment has been made, the monthly county court shall fix the dates within which the assessment shall be collected, and the county clerk shall make out an assessment list or book, giving alphabetically the name of the owner, and the boundaries of the land, the number of acres, and the amount assessed against each tract, and the county clerk will make the same substantially in the form used for state and county tax books, and when so made, the county clerk shall certify the same to the trustee of the county, and it is the duty of the trustee to proceed at once to collect the assessments within the dates prescribed by the court; and the trustee will pay the amount collected on the assessments to the county clerk, to be paid out by the county clerk on the costs and expenses under the orders of the court, and for collecting, and paying over the assessments, the trustee shall be allowed as compensation two percent (2%) of the amount collected and paid over.

Structure 2021 Tennessee Code

2021 Tennessee Code

Title 54 - Highways, Bridges and Ferries

Chapter 12 - Road Improvement Districts

Part 1 - Establishment

§ 54-12-101. Power to Establish Road Improvement Districts

§ 54-12-102. Body Exercising Jurisdiction of Former Monthly County Court

§ 54-12-105. Road Improvement District Confined to Boundaries of County

§ 54-12-111. Collection Dates Fixed Upon Assessment Being Made — Assessment List Certified to Trustee to Collect — Compensation

§ 54-12-113. Bonds of Trustee and Clerk

§ 54-12-114. Proceeding for Cost and Expense Fund Not to Delay Other Proceedings — Sixty Percent Acreage Provision

§ 54-12-117. Petitioners Required to Pay Preliminary Expenses — Judgment on Their Bond

§ 54-12-118. Fund for Expenses May Be Paid as Needed

§ 54-12-119. Refund to Petitioners and Their Sureties Paying Preliminary Expenses

§ 54-12-120. Engineer

§ 54-12-121. Compensation of Engineers

§ 54-12-122. Engineer to Survey and Locate Roads and Improvements

§ 54-12-123. Engineer's Return — Contents

§ 54-12-124. Recalling Engineer and Appointing Another

§ 54-12-125. Survey and Location of Roads Along General Course of Present Roads — Exception

§ 54-12-126. Engineer to Submit Itemized Expense Account or Do Work for Stipulated Sum

§ 54-12-129. Service of Writ — Acknowledgement

§ 54-12-131. Writ or Publication Need Not State Contents of Petition or Its Prayer

§ 54-12-133. Claim for Damages to Be Filed — Guardian or Conservator Ad Litem Appointed for Persons Under Disability

§ 54-12-135. Further Examination and Report by Engineer Ordered — Hearing Continued Until Filing of Report

§ 54-12-136. Claims for Damages Prevent Establishment of District Until Viewers Appointed — Qualifications — Engineer to Accompany Viewers and Give Them Information

§ 54-12-137. Viewers Upon Being Sworn to View Premises, Fix Damages and Report

§ 54-12-138. Report of Viewers to Be Filed Promptly — Others Appointed Upon Failure to Act

§ 54-12-139. Value of Land — Incidental Benefits Considered in Estimating Incidental Damages

§ 54-12-140. Damages Awarded Considered in Establishing District — Location and Establishment — Damages Determined

§ 54-12-144. Appeal From Award of Damages Will Not Prevent Appropriation and Condemnation of Land, if Petitioners Give Bond

§ 54-12-145. Appeal Heard De Novo by Circuit Court That Enters No Judgment but Enters Amount Fixed — Clerk Certifies to Monthly County Court

§ 54-12-146. Circuit Court Order Entered — Certified to Monthly County Court

§ 54-12-148. Costs in Discretion of Circuit Court

§ 54-12-149. Trial With or Without a Jury in Circuit Court

§ 54-12-150. Damages Fixed Shall Be Paid or Secured — Manner of Payment

§ 54-12-151. Condemnation After Damages Are Paid or Secured

§ 54-12-152. Appropriation of Right-of-Way, and of Other Necessary Lands

§ 54-12-155. Intent of § 54-12-154

§ 54-12-157. Fees of County Clerk — Allowance for Extra Services

§ 54-12-159. Compensation to Be Fixed by Monthly County Court Where No Provision Made