2021 Tennessee Code
Part 24 - Tennessee Community Schools Act
§ 49-6-2406. Study and Report

The office of research and education accountability (OREA) in the office of the comptroller of the treasury shall study and report on the formation and operation of community schools. OREA shall specifically identify best practices that can be replicated by other LEAs and schools desiring to form community schools. OREA shall examine whether community schools have improved student learning, family engagement with the schools and the communities, school effectiveness in decreasing the dropout rate and increasing the graduation rate, and physical and mental health of the students and other members of the community. OREA shall examine whether community schools have met their educational and community goals. OREA shall file its report containing its findings and conclusions and any recommendations concerning community schools with the education committee of the senate and the education administration and planning committee of the house of representatives by November 1, 2018.