Chapter 16 of this title shall not apply to any note, bond or other evidence of indebtedness issued by any G&T cooperative or foreign corporation transacting business in this state pursuant to this chapter, to the United States or any agency or instrumentality of the United States, or to any mortgage or deed of trust executed to secure the indebtedness. This chapter shall not apply to the issuance of membership certificates by any G&T cooperative or any such foreign corporation.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 48 - Securities, Corporations and Associations
Chapter 69 - Electric G&t Cooperative Act
§ 48-69-103. Chapter Definitions
§ 48-69-104. Operation as a Nonprofit Membership Cooperative Corporation
§ 48-69-105. Existing Cooperatives
§ 48-69-110. Principal Officers
§ 48-69-111. Chief Executive Officer
§ 48-69-117. No Exemption From Ad Valorem Property Taxes
§ 48-69-119. Exemption From Control of the Tennessee Public Utility Commission
§ 48-69-120. Chapter 16 of This Title Not Applicable to Any Note, Bond or Evidence of Indebtedness
§ 48-69-121. Utility Districts Created Under Title 7, Chapter 82 Exempt From Chapter