Twenty-five (25) or more persons, a majority of whom shall be residents of this state, who may desire to form a development credit corporation under this part, for the purpose of promoting, developing, and advancing the prosperity and economic welfare of the state and, to that end, to exercise the powers and privileges hereinafter provided, may be incorporated by making, subscribing, acknowledging, and filing, in the manner hereinafter provided, in the office of the secretary of state and of the register of the county in which the corporation elects to have its principal office, a certificate setting forth:
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 48 - Securities, Corporations and Associations
Chapter 101 - Special Purpose Corporations and Associations
Part 1 - Development Credit Corporation Act
§ 48-101-102. Part Definitions
§ 48-101-103. Persons Entitled to Incorporate — Certificate of Incorporation
§ 48-101-104. Completion of Corporate Entity
§ 48-101-109. No Preemptive Rights Respecting Unissued Stock
§ 48-101-110. Membership of Financial Institutions
§ 48-101-111. Duration of Membership — Withdrawal
§ 48-101-113. Loans to the Corporation
§ 48-101-114. Obligations of Corporation Are Legal Investments for Members
§ 48-101-115. Limit on Total Obligations
§ 48-101-118. Supervision Over Corporation — Reports