2021 Tennessee Code
Part 20 - Tennessee Renewable Fuels Blending Act of 2009
§ 47-25-2004. Contract Provisions Forbidding, Limiting or Restricting Blending Void

Any contract or provision between a wholesaler and a refiner, supplier or permissive supplier executed or renewed on or after January 1, 2010, that forbids, limits or restricts a wholesaler's ability to blend petroleum products with ethanol or biodiesel shall be void as against public policy. Nothing in this section shall prohibit a franchisor or the holder of a trademark from selecting its own customers in bona fide transactions and not in restraint of trade, and from including in its contracts, franchise or licensing agreements those reasonable terms that allow the franchisor or licensor to require its franchisees or licensees to maintain the quality and integrity of the blended products produced under this part so long as the terms are consistent with the Tennessee Petroleum Trade Practices Act, compiled in part 6 of this chapter, the Federal Petroleum Marketing Practices Act, compiled in 15 U.S.C. § 2801 et seq. and § 47-25-2003.