2021 Tennessee Code
Part 15 - Franchise Terminations, Nonrenewals or Modifications
§ 47-25-1505. Nonrenewal or Modification of Franchise Agreements

No franchisor may fail to renew a franchise unless such franchisor provides the franchisee at least sixty (60) days' prior written notice of its intention not to renew, such failure to renew is for good cause, and the franchisor has provided written notice of the facts and circumstances upon which it alleges that good cause exists to fail to renew. Any modification of an existing franchise agreement proposed by a franchisor must be disclosed no later than sixty (60) days prior to the proposed effective date of the modification unless the franchisee consents, in writing, within the sixty-day period, to waive such requirement. If failure to renew is for good cause, such nonrenewal may not be effective unless: