The seven-day period during which you may cancel this contract for any reason by mailing or delivering written notice to the invention developer will expire on (Last date to mail or deliver notice)
If you choose to mail your notice, it must be placed in the United States mail properly addressed first class postage prepaid and postmarked before twelve o'clock midnight (12:00) of this date. If you choose to deliver your notice to the invention developer directly, it must be delivered to that party by the end of that party's normal business day on this date. The invention developer also has the right to cancel this contract by notice similarly mailed or delivered.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 47 - Commercial Instruments and Transactions
Part 12 - Invention Development
§ 47-25-1201. Part Definitions
§ 47-25-1202. Advertising Compliance With Law Prohibited
§ 47-25-1203. Disclosure of Fees in Advertising
§ 47-25-1204. Initial Disclosures to Customer by Developer
§ 47-25-1206. Cancellation Option
§ 47-25-1207. Required Contents of Contract
§ 47-25-1208. Disclosures to Be Printed on Cover of Contract
§ 47-25-1209. Acquiring Interest in Invention by Developer
§ 47-25-1210. Right of Action Against Developer
§ 47-25-1211. Contracts in Violation of Part Void
§ 47-25-1212. Contracts Obtained by Fraud Void
§ 47-25-1213. Waiver of Customer Rights Void
§ 47-25-1214. Failure to Disclose — Contract Voidable
§ 47-25-1215. Progress Reports
§ 47-25-1216. Customer's Rights Unimpaired by Developer's Assignments
§ 47-25-1218. Deposit in Lieu of Bond