shall state on its face in at least ten (10) point bold type in language separated from the other language in the contract by bold print dividing lines that it cannot be prepaid or that there is a penalty for prepayment.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 47 - Commercial Instruments and Transactions
Chapter 14 - Interest Rates Generally
§ 47-14-101. Judgments Rendered in Dollars and Cents
§ 47-14-103. Maximum Effective Rates Generally
§ 47-14-106. Contracts for Applicable Formula Rates of Interest
§ 47-14-108. Prepayment of Loans — Contracts Restricting Prepayment of Loans
§ 47-14-111. Actions to Recover Usury
§ 47-14-112. Usury a Misdemeanor — Penalty
§ 47-14-114. Actions to Recover Excess Loan Charges, Commitment Fees, or Brokerage Commissions
§ 47-14-116. Usury or Excessive Charges — Reliance on Statute, Rule, or Order
§ 47-14-122. Interest on Judgments — Computation