The like proceedings may be had in cases where partition fences are rebuilt or repaired by either of the joint proprietors, the jury of view being judges, in the first instance, of the necessity or advisability of the improvement.
Code 1858, § 1690; Shan., § 3004; mod. Code 1932, § 5223; T.C.A. (orig. ed.), §§ 44-1722, 44-9-206.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 44 - Animals and Animal Husbandry
Chapter 8 - Fences and Confinement
§ 44-8-201. Partition Fence Defined — Joining Fences
§ 44-8-202. Fences to Be Erected and Maintained at Joint Expense
§ 44-8-203. Damages for Failure to Maintain Fence
§ 44-8-205. Judgment and Execution
§ 44-8-206. Rebuilding or Repairing Fences
§ 44-8-207. Fees of Court and Fence Reviewers
§ 44-8-208. Fences Not Removed Without Six Months' Notice
§ 44-8-209. Removing Fence Without Notice a Misdemeanor — Damages