It is unlawful for the compact administrator or the commissioner's representative, and/or the members of the commission representing the state of Tennessee, to make any agreement, to create any obligation, or to commit the state for any funds, moneys or property in excess of the amounts on hand and/or the amount of appropriation for the biennium. Any such agreement, obligation or commitment shall be null and void. Such agreements, obligations or commitments shall be approved by the attorney general and reporter prior to their execution by the proper officials of the state of Tennessee.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 43 - Agriculture and Horticulture
Chapter 35 - Southern Dairy Compact
§ 43-35-101. Creation—general Provisions
§ 43-35-106. Acquisition of Information Pertaining to the Dairy Industry
§ 43-35-107. Rules and Regulations
§ 43-35-108. Copies of Commission Bylaws
§ 43-35-109. State Cooperation With Compact Commission
§ 43-35-110. Obligations in Excess of Appropriations—unlawful