Shall the producers of assess themselves at the rate of cents per of sold, and use the funds so collected by the department of agriculture, or the department's contractor or designee, and paid over to the Tennessee promotion board to finance a program of research, education, market development, marketing, advertising, and other methods designed to promote the increased production, consumption, use, and sale of products?
Shall the producers of corn assess themselves at the rate of one cent ($0.01) per bushel of corn sold, and use the funds so collected by the department of agriculture, or the department's contractor or designee, and paid over to the Tennessee corn promotion board to finance a program of research, education, market development, marketing, advertising, and other methods designed to promote the increased production, consumption, use, and sale of corn products?
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 43 - Agriculture and Horticulture
Chapter 29 - Agriculture Commodities Promotion
§ 43-29-103. Chapter Definitions
§ 43-29-104. Legality of Associations or Activities — Restraint of Trade
§ 43-29-105. Referendum on Assessment for Promotion and Research
§ 43-29-108. Conducting Referendum — Eligibility — Voting
§ 43-29-109. Withholding and Transfer of Funds — Report
§ 43-29-111. Application for Refund of Assessments
§ 43-29-112. Referendum on Continuation of Assessment Program
§ 43-29-113. Establishment of Promotion Boards
§ 43-29-114. Promotion Boards — Meetings — Organization — Duties
§ 43-29-116. Personal Debt — Penalties — Collection