Any person who unlawfully takes, secretes, cuts, saws, splits up, or destroys any timber branded as provided in this part, or removes branded timber from the river or place on which the timber has been placed, with the intent to prevent the owner or owners from finding the timber, or in any way converts the timber to such person's use without the consent of the owner, or who receives the timber knowing it to have been stolen, commits a Class E felony.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 43 - Agriculture and Horticulture
§ 43-28-302. Notice of Brand — Form — Acknowledgment — Recording — Copy Posted
§ 43-28-303. Certificate of Registration Required
§ 43-28-304. Brand Becomes Trademark — Infringement — Penalty — Damages
§ 43-28-305. Brand to Be Plainly Stamped
§ 43-28-306. Fraudulently Placing Brand on Another's Timber — Penalty
§ 43-28-307. Unlawfully Obliterating Brand — Penalty
§ 43-28-308. Taking, Concealing, Destroying or Converting Branded Timber — Penalty
§ 43-28-309. Contract of Sale of Standing Trees or Timber So Branded Must Be in Writing
§ 43-28-311. Brands and Trade-Marks Under Previous Law Unaffected