Shall the producers of soybeans assess themselves at the rate of cents per bushel of soybeans sold, and use the funds so collected by the department of agriculture and paid over to the Tennessee soybean promotion board to finance a program of research, education, market development, marketing, advertising and other methods designed to promote the increased production, consumption, use and sale of soybeans and soybean products?
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 43 - Agriculture and Horticulture
Chapter 20 - Soybean Promotion
Part 2 - Soybean Promotion Act
§ 43-20-202. Legislative Findings
§ 43-20-204. Legality of Associations, Meetings or Actions — Restraint of Trade
§ 43-20-205. Assessment on Producers — Application for Referendum
§ 43-20-206. Date of Referendum — Notice
§ 43-20-209. Records of Purchasers
§ 43-20-211. Referendum on Assessment Remaining in Effect
§ 43-20-213. Personal Debt of Purchaser — Late Payment Penalty
§ 43-20-214. Waiver of Assessment
§ 43-20-215. Rules and Regulations
§ 43-20-216. Agreements for Collection of Assessments or Collateral