The proprietor shall also keep the necessary breaking irons for the proper inspection of tobacco, and screws for the proper cooperage and return of loose tobacco to the hogshead after inspection.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 43 - Agriculture and Horticulture
§ 43-19-101. Warehouses — Persons Operating
§ 43-19-102. Proof of Sufficiency of Warehouse Required
§ 43-19-103. Bond of Tobacco Warehouseman
§ 43-19-104. Fees Uncollectible Upon Failure to Give Bond — Penalty for Violations
§ 43-19-105. Suit on Bond — Parties
§ 43-19-107. Scales to Be Kept and Tested
§ 43-19-108. Breaking Irons for Inspection, and Screws for Cooperage
§ 43-19-109. Attention to Duty — Prompt Delivery for Shipment
§ 43-19-110. Private Warehouses
§ 43-19-111. Tobacco Commercial Year
§ 43-19-112. Prosecution for Penalties — Duties of Clerk and District Attorney General — Fees