Any lot of agricultural or vegetable seeds, mixtures of such seeds, or screenings being sold, exposed for sale, offered for sale or held with intent to sell in this state contrary to this part shall be subject to seizure on complaint of the commissioner to a court of competent jurisdiction in the locality in which the seeds, mixtures of such seeds, or screenings are located. In the event the court finds the seed to be in violation of this part and orders the condemnation thereof, the seeds, mixtures of such seeds, or screenings shall be denatured, conditioned, destroyed, relabeled, or otherwise disposed of in compliance with the laws of this state; provided, that in no instance shall such disposition of the seeds, mixtures of the seeds, or screenings be ordered by the court without first having given the claimant an opportunity to apply to the court for the release of the seeds, mixtures of the seeds, or screenings, or permission to condition or relabel to bring them into compliance with this part.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 43 - Agriculture and Horticulture
Chapter 10 - Agricultural Seeds
§ 43-10-102. Legislative Purpose
§ 43-10-104. Label Requirements
§ 43-10-105. Label Requirements — Treated Seeds
§ 43-10-106. Label Requirements — Agricultural Seeds
§ 43-10-107. Label Requirements — Vegetable Seeds in Containers of One Pound or Less
§ 43-10-108. Label Requirements — Vegetable Seeds in Containers of More Than One Pound
§ 43-10-112. Disclaimers, Nonwarranties, and Limited Warranties
§ 43-10-113. Tolerances to Be Established and Used in Enforcement