2021 Tennessee Code
Chapter 4 - Jails and Jailers
§ 41-4-114. Correspondence and Visitors

After examination and commitment of prisoners, the jailer shall convey letters from prisoners to their counsel and others, sealing and putting them in the post office if required. The jailer shall also admit, without charge, persons having business with prisoners and shall remain present at all interviews between prisoners and others, except their counsel.
Code 1858, § 5421 (deriv. Acts 1826, ch. 45, § 1); Shan., § 7432; Code 1932, § 12041; T.C.A. (orig. ed.), § 41-1114.

Structure 2021 Tennessee Code

2021 Tennessee Code

Title 41 - Correctional Institutions and Inmates

Chapter 4 - Jails and Jailers

§ 41-4-101. Duty of Sheriff — Appointment of Jailer

§ 41-4-102. Delivery of Jail and Prisoners to Successor in Office

§ 41-4-103. Persons Confined — Evaluation Authorized

§ 41-4-104. Inmates en Route to Penitentiary

§ 41-4-105. Federal Prisoners

§ 41-4-106. Filing of Process

§ 41-4-108. Support of Prisoners

§ 41-4-109. Food and Bedding

§ 41-4-110. Segregation of Sexes

§ 41-4-111. Cleanliness

§ 41-4-112. Keys Kept at Jail

§ 41-4-113. Night Duty

§ 41-4-114. Correspondence and Visitors

§ 41-4-116. Jail Inspectors

§ 41-4-117. Violation as Misdemeanor

§ 41-4-118. Employment of Guard

§ 41-4-120. Board in Guarding Prisoner

§ 41-4-121. Safekeeping of Prisoners — Sufficient Jails

§ 41-4-122. Guard for Removal of Prisoner

§ 41-4-123. Redelivery to Place of Trial

§ 41-4-124. Allowance of Expenses

§ 41-4-125. Proof of Costs

§ 41-4-126. Allowance for Additional Guards

§ 41-4-127. Transportation Appropriations by Counties Having No Jail

§ 41-4-128. Accounts of Appropriated Funds

§ 41-4-129. Accounts of Sheriffs and Jailers

§ 41-4-132. Sheriff's Fees

§ 41-4-133. Filing of Sheriff's Bills

§ 41-4-134. Compliance as Prerequisite to Payment

§ 41-4-135. Refund to State of Costs Collected From Defendant

§ 41-4-136. Monthly Audit of Jailer's Fees

§ 41-4-137. Refund to County of Fees Collected From Defendant

§ 41-4-143. Report on Prisoners Escaping From Work Details