No voucher, certificate or warrant issued on the commissioner of finance and administration by any department, institution, agency or political subdivision shall be questioned by the commissioner or by the state treasurer on the grounds that § 41-22-120 has not been complied with by the department, institution, agency or political subdivision, but if intentional violation of § 41-22-120 by any department, institution, agency or political subdivision continues, after notice from the governor to desist, it constitutes a malfeasance in office and subjects the officer or officers or agents responsible for this violation to suspension or removal from office as may be provided by law in other cases of malfeasance.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 41 - Correctional Institutions and Inmates
§ 41-22-102. Construction of Roads and Buildings on State Property
§ 41-22-103. Improvements and Repairs of Brushy Mountain Property
§ 41-22-105. Sale of Products of Inmate Labor
§ 41-22-107. Reports and Settlement of Mining Accounts
§ 41-22-110. Manufacturers for State
§ 41-22-111. Control of Inmates Retained by State
§ 41-22-120. Agencies Not Required to Purchase Prison-Made Articles