This part shall be so interpreted and construed as to effectuate its general purpose to make uniform the law of the states which enact it.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Chapter 17 - Evidence and Witnesses
Part 2 - Uniform Law to Secure Attendance of Witnesses
§ 40-17-203. Hearing on Summons of Witness to Testify in Another State
§ 40-17-204. Issuance of Summons
§ 40-17-205. Ordering Witness Into Custody
§ 40-17-206. Penalty for Failure to Obey Summons
§ 40-17-207. Certificate Recommending Summons of Witness From Another State
§ 40-17-208. Witness Fees — Failure to Testify After Coming Into State
§ 40-17-210. Uniformity of Construction
§ 40-17-212. Request for Attendance of Federal Prisoner as Witness in State Criminal Proceedings