Any indictment charging a felonious taking or appropriation of the personal property of another, of any value, with intent to convert the property to the use of the defendant and to deprive the true owner of the property, shall be deemed a good and sufficient indictment for embezzlement or fraudulent breach of trust.
Code 1932, § 11642; T.C.A. (orig. ed.), § 40-1828.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
§ 40-13-202. Statement of Offense
§ 40-13-203. Certainty as to Person Charged
§ 40-13-204. Presumptions and Matters of Judicial Notice
§ 40-13-205. Description of Common Law Crimes
§ 40-13-206. Alternative Allegations
§ 40-13-209. Allegation of Ownership of Property
§ 40-13-210. Jurisdiction to Support Alleged Judgment
§ 40-13-211. Description of Instrument Destroyed or Withheld
§ 40-13-215. Alleging Possession of Counterfeit Money
§ 40-13-216. Alleging Conspiracy
§ 40-13-218. Alleging Dealing in Futures