An indictment, when found by the grand jury and endorsed as prescribed by this part, shall be presented by the foreman to the clerk of the court who shall file the indictment as provided by law.
Code 1858, § 5098; Shan., § 7060; Code 1932, § 11604; T.C.A. (orig. ed.), § 40-1709; Acts 2003, ch. 64, § 1.
Law Reviews.
Discrimination in the Selection of the Grand Jury Foreman Requires Reversal, 9 Mem. St. U.L. Rev. 156.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
§ 40-13-101. “Indictment” Defined
§ 40-13-102. Offenses Indictable
§ 40-13-103. Prosecutor Required
§ 40-13-104. Prosecutor Not Required
§ 40-13-105. Concurrence in True Bill
§ 40-13-106. Endorsement When Indictment Not Found
§ 40-13-107. Endorsement of Names of Witnesses
§ 40-13-108. Presentation of Indictment
§ 40-13-109. Entry in Minutes of Felony Indictments
§ 40-13-110. Copies of Minutes — New Indictment