2021 Tennessee Code
Part 2 - Forfeiture of Bail
§ 40-11-209. Certificate of District Attorney General

The district attorney general for the district in which the sale is to be made shall thereupon issue and deliver a certificate to the sheriff of the county conducting the sale, where the land or lands are situated. The certificate shall be in the following words and figures:
State of Tennessee, County of
day of  (year)
I,  , district attorney general for the  judicial district do hereby certify that I have purchased on the  day of  (year) on behalf of and in the name of the State of Tennessee at a sale under execution at the courthouse, in  County, Tennessee from  the sheriff of  County, said execution having been issued to collect the sum of  dollars, the amount of the forfeiture taken upon the appearance bond of  indicted  day of  (year) by the grand jury of  County, upon a charge of  the following described real estate for the sum of $ .
The above described real estate having been levied upon as the property of  , surety upon the appearance bond of the aforementioned defendant, viz.,
This land having been purchased and bid in by me on behalf of and in the name of the State of Tennessee, under and by virtue of the authority vested in me by Tennessee Code Annotated §§ 40-11-206 — 40-11-208, and acts amendatory thereto.
This certificate is issued by me and delivered to the sheriff of  County aforesaid in lieu of the sum of $  bid by me.
District Attorney General for the Judicial District