2021 Tennessee Code
Chapter 55 - Bureau of Ethics and Campaign Finance
§ 4-55-104. Disposition of All Fees, Appropriations and Penalties

All fees imposed by the registry of election finance and the ethics commission and collected by the bureau of ethics and campaign finance, as well as all appropriations made to the bureau, shall be deposited by the state treasurer in a separate account exclusively for the bureau, and shall be used by the bureau to defray expenses necessary to administer this part; title 2, chapter 10; title 3, chapter 6; title 8, chapter 17; and title 8, chapter 50, part 5, including the payment of salaries to employees, the purchase of supplies and any other necessary expenses. Unexpended and unobligated fees remaining in this account at the end of any fiscal year shall not revert to the general fund, but shall remain available for use by the bureau. Penalties collected by the bureau shall be deposited into the state general fund.