2021 Tennessee Code
Part 2 - Criminal Homicide
§ 39-13-207. Sentencing Where Death Penalty Is Not Sought

PUNISHMENT OF IMPRISONMENT FOR LIFE WITHOUT  POSSIBILITY OF PAROLE OR IMPRISONMENT FOR LIFE We, the jury, unanimously find that the state has proven the following listed statutory aggravating circumstance or circumstances beyond a reasonable doubt: (Here list the statutory aggravating circumstance or circumstances so found) CHECK ONE (1) BOX ONLY [ ] We, the jury, unanimously agree that the defendant shall be sentenced to imprisonment for life without possibility of parole; or [ ] We, the jury, unanimously agree that the defendant shall be sentenced to imprisonment for life. /s/ /s/ Jury Foreperson Juror /s/ /s/ Juror Juror /s/ /s/ Juror Juror /s/ /s/ Juror Juror /s/ /s/ Juror Juror /s/ /s/ Juror Juror
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