The court shall, upon motion of the party, enter a temporary order of child support pending the final determination of paternity upon a showing of clear and convincing evidence of parentage on the basis of genetic tests.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Part 3 - Parentage and Legitimation
§ 36-2-301. Statement of Purpose
§ 36-2-302. Chapter Definitions
§ 36-2-303. Custody With Mother Absent an Order of Custody
§ 36-2-306. Statute of Limitations
§ 36-2-310. Temporary Order of Support
§ 36-2-317. Official References to Illegitimacy
§ 36-2-320. License Revocation Requests
§ 36-2-321. Limitations Period for Child Support Payment Orders
§ 36-2-322. Payment of Overdue Support for Children Receiving Assistance