2021 Tennessee Code
Part 1 - Prohibited Practices Generally
§ 2-19-131. Betting With Voter to Procure a Challenge or to Prevent Him From Voting

It is a Class C misdemeanor for any person, directly or indirectly, to make a bet or wager with a voter, depending upon the result of any primary or final election provided by law, with the intent thereby to procure the challenge of such voter, or to prevent the voter from voting at such election.

Structure 2021 Tennessee Code

2021 Tennessee Code

Title 2 - Elections

Chapter 19 - Prohibited Practices

Part 1 - Prohibited Practices Generally

§ 2-19-101. Interfering With Nominating Meeting or Election

§ 2-19-102. Violation of Title

§ 2-19-103. Interference With Another's Duties or Rights

§ 2-19-104. Misconduct in Performance of Duties for Purposes of Misleading Another

§ 2-19-105. False Swearing or Affirming

§ 2-19-106. Procurement or Inducement to Violate § 2-19-104 or § 2-19-105

§ 2-19-108. Unlawful Possession of Official Registration or Election Supplies

§ 2-19-109. False Entries on Official Registration or Election Documents — Penalties

§ 2-19-110. Abuse of Voter Assistance

§ 2-19-111. Unlawful Examination, Removal, Rejection or Destruction of Marked Ballots

§ 2-19-112. Election Officials — Civil Liability

§ 2-19-113. Willful or Fraudulent Violations by Officials

§ 2-19-114. Illegal Act by Official Causing Loss of Ballots or Invalidating Election

§ 2-19-115. Violence and Intimidation to Prevent Voting

§ 2-19-117. Procuring Illegal Vote

§ 2-19-119. Violation of § 2-7-111 While Boundary Signs Are Posted

§ 2-19-121. Candidate Bargaining for Support

§ 2-19-122. Demanding Candidate Make Promise

§ 2-19-123. Penalty for Violation of § 2-19-121 or § 2-19-122

§ 2-19-124. Exceptions to § 2-19-121 or § 2-19-122

§ 2-19-125. Bribing Election Officials

§ 2-19-126. Bribing Voters

§ 2-19-127. Voter Accepting Bribe

§ 2-19-128. Penalty for Violation of §§ 2-19-125 — 2-19-127

§ 2-19-129. Betting on Election — Penalty

§ 2-19-130. Candidate Betting With Voter

§ 2-19-131. Betting With Voter to Procure a Challenge or to Prevent Him From Voting

§ 2-19-135. Threatening Work Stoppage as a Result of Election

§ 2-19-136. Grand Jury Witness Immunity

§ 2-19-137. Violators as Witnesses — Exemption From Prosecution

§ 2-19-138. Defects or Irregularities in Conventions or Elections No Defense

§ 2-19-141. Disposition of Fines

§ 2-19-142. Knowingly Publishing False Campaign Literature

§ 2-19-143. Suffrage for Persons Convicted of Infamous Crimes

§ 2-19-144. Campaign Advertising